Black Lace Read online

Page 19

  They grinned at each other. They’d always been close in spirit, but since Myk’s marriage, the bond seemed to have tightened. Drake attributed it to Sarita and her calming influences on his dragon brother. Her love for Myk had softened the razor-sharp edges, cast a light into his dark den, and made him more attuned to his family. Drake loved his sister-in-law for many reasons, but the most important was how much Myk had changed. “Do you think we’ll ever know what really happened to the old man?”

  The subject of their rolling stone father had come up between them many times over the years. When they were much younger and spending summers together in Louisiana with Gran—their father’s mother—Drake and Myk often talked about where Roland might be and how they’d act if he ever walked back into their lives. Drake planned to be forgiving, but Myk always said the man could go to hell.

  Now, in answer to Drake’s question, Myk shrugged. “Who knows.”

  “Do you care?” Drake asked.

  Myk studied his brother for a long moment, then answered, “Two years ago I would have said no. Now with the baby coming? Yeah, I’d like to know everything from start to finish. I never wanted to hear it before. I don’t even know who my mother was.”

  Drake knew the circumstances surrounding his own out-of-wedlock birth. His mother, Mavis, revealed the full story to him on his twelfth birthday. “Maybe it’s time you asked Gran.”

  Myk nodded his agreement. “Maybe.”

  Harboring their own thoughts, the brothers remained silent for the rest of the short flight home.

  Lacy checked her overnight bag for the fiftieth time to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything, but everything she needed was inside, just as it had been the other forty-nine times she’d checked. She was nervous and excited. This was a big step for their budding relationship. She just hoped they’d have fun, so she could forget about the craziness of the past few days.

  At 1:35 the buzzer went off. “Yes?”

  “It’s me.”

  When he knocked after what seemed an eternity, she pulled open the door, and there he stood with his sexy male self dressed in a sweatshirt and jeans. On his feet were brown hikers and in his dark eyes were a smile. “Hey, there.”

  So happy to see him at last, Lacy tossed back, “Hey yourself. Come on in.”

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “Yep. All packed.”

  “No, ready for this….”

  The kiss he gave her was long, dizzying, and wonderful. When he pulled away, she was light-headed.

  Showing his boyish grin, he said to her, “Now, you can get your bag.”

  As she did, Lacy walked on very shaky legs.

  The weather cooperated wonderfully, and they left the apartment complex and then the city under a brilliant blue sky. They were heading to Holland, on the western side of the state. According to the map Drake showed her before they left her place, the drive in his Mustang would take them first to Lansing, the state capital, then to Grand Rapids, the second largest city in Michigan, then to Holland, which was nestled on Lake Michigan.

  Lacy loved the scenery. Because it was only mid-April, the farther west and north they drove, the more snow there seemed to be, but it appeared to be melting. The piles that remained around the trunks of trees and on the open fields beside the highway glistened like diamonds in the sunshine.

  They reached Holland a little past five-thirty. He looked her way and said, “We’ll do the tour tomorrow. Right now, I just want to get to the house and chill out. Been a long ride.”

  And it had been, but the sky-kissing pines growing along the narrow two lane road now made her feel like they’d entered a fairy-tale forest. She could see houses built upon the dunes rising up from the road, and every now and then she got a peek at the sparkling blue water of the lake behind them. “It’s peaceful.”

  “Yes it is. I’d like to put a place up here too, someday.”

  “Would you live here year-round?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe, or maybe just use it when I want to, like Myk does.”

  “Is that where we’re going? Your brother’s place?”

  “Yep. And so that you’ll know my intentions are honorable, you’ll have your own room.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  He looked her way. “I’m sure we can make some adjustments.”

  Their grins met but neither of them said a further word.

  A few miles later he turned off the main road and onto a narrow road with a sign beside it that read: PRIVATE. NO TRESPASSING. NO HUNTING. A tall wrought-iron gate was open in welcome, magnificently framing the entrance to the property. Lacy could see nothing but trees. Towering pines with thick trunks blocked the sky overhead. The road climbed a few degrees, and when it opened up, there sat the glass and metal home gleaming in the sun. The structure was rectangular, but it was more complex than that. One part of the house flowed into another smoothly and precisely. There was a large cube on top, and two large cubes extending from each end. It appeared to have been built into the side of the dune, because Lacy couldn’t see what lay behind it. Right now, that didn’t matter. She was too busy marveling over the house’s beautiful modern lines.

  “My mother would love this house,” she whispered in awe.

  “Myk’s an architect and he designed the place.”

  The metal framing the dark-tinted windows was a polished copper that made the glass seem to shimmer. She bet the window washer was paid a pretty penny; there wasn’t a speck or a smudge to be seen. “Is your brother Midas?” Lacy couldn’t imagine how much the place must have cost.

  Drake turned the key to shut off the engine, then drawled, “We think he is, but we’re still waiting on official verification.”

  Lacy shook her head at his humor. “Does he know you talk about him like this?”

  “Yep, and knowing him, he’s probably back at home talking about me the same way.”

  “Can’t wait to meet him.”

  “He said the same thing about you.”

  “Oh really? Been talking about me, have you?”

  His eyes were shining. “A bit, yeah. Only good things, though.”

  The heat was rising in the car and they could both feel it. Lacy reached out and cupped her hand against the curve of his cheek. He turned the palm and placed a kiss in the center of her palm. “Let’s go in before we wind up being out here all night.”

  “Lead the way,” she said softly.

  The place was freezing when they entered.

  Drake raised his head and said aloud. “Heat. Seventy-two degrees, please. Thank you.”

  Before Lacy could react, a computerized female voice replied, “Heat. Seventy-two degrees. Estimated time for desired temperature, twenty minutes. Thank you.”

  Lacy was impressed. She’d seen computer-controlled homes on television reports but had never been inside one. She followed Drake from the large foyer to the living room, where the glass walls offered a breathtaking view of the water. “Wow!”

  It was as blue as a lake on a map, and stretched as wide and as far as her eyes could see. She walked farther into the beautifully furnished room. She had no idea Michigan had views like this. The sight was awesome. Standing close to the glass, she could see the wide stretch of light brown beach below and the foamy-tipped water breaking against it. “This is Lake Michigan?”

  Drake walked over and stood beside her. “Amazing, isn’t it?”

  “You see the word ‘Great Lakes’ on the map, but I never knew it meant great like in big. It looks big as the ocean.”

  “On the other side is Chicago and Wisconsin.”

  “And Michigan has five of these?”

  He was enjoying her response. “Four of them touch our borders. They’re not all this big, but they’re all a good size.”

  Off in the distance she could see a barge churning by. Closer in, gulls circled in the sun. “I could stand here all day.”

  “How about we go out for a walk later?”

  “I’d like tha

  “In the meantime, how about a tour?”

  “Thought you’d never ask.”

  He showed her the library, with its highly polished wood and hundreds of shelved books; the music room, which held the grandest black piano Lacy had ever seen; the two guest bedrooms, each with a small deck overlooking the water; and the large master suite, complete with its own deck, master bath, and sitting room with fireplace. The rooms were fabulous, as were the furnishings. African-inspired art was everywhere. “Your brother has a beautiful home,” Lacy said as the tour drifted into the sleek modern kitchen.

  “Yes, he does. Are you hungry?”


  “Well, let’s see what Mrs. Alvarez left us in the fridge.”

  “Who’s she?”

  “Myk’s housekeeper, and the caretaker when he’s not here. If she knows one of us is coming up, she’ll spend the week before cooking and stash it all in the fridge. She’s from the islands and misses cooking for her big family.”

  He pulled open the polished black door. Out came a ham, a roast chicken, spaghetti, green beans flavored with onions and ham, potato salad, wild rice, and a pan of wax paper covered yeast rolls ready for the oven. Sitting in the center of the island counter was a Muhammad Ali cookie jar. Inside were a few dozen of Drake’s favorite Toll House cookies. He fished one out and took a big bite. Chewing, he looked over and saw another one of his favorites—a German Chocolate Cake poised like a queen on top of an elegant, elevated, silver cake plate. “I think I’ve died and gone to heaven,” he said, munching and smiling.

  “I think I’ve gained ten pounds, and I haven’t eaten a thing.”

  Their smiles met and held. Drake said, “I promised myself I’d be on my best behavior while we’re together. How am I doing so far?”

  “Excellent, so far.”

  He walked closer. “Would wanting a kiss move me up or down?”

  Her eyes sparkled. “Probably up.”

  He eased an arm around her waist, and she fit herself closer. His lips brushed against her forehead. He whispered, “That’s good to know….”

  A heartbeat later his lips met hers, and the sweetness of the surrender made them both groan.


  Lacy had been waiting for this first real kiss since leaving her apartment. She explored the strength of his arms and chest through the soft cotton of his sweatshirt, all the while wondering where in the world he’d learned to kiss so well. Each press of his lips to hers stoked the embers still simmering from the last time they’d been together, making them rise and then slowly flame. Because of him, she now understood the word need and all its lust-filled implications. The way he kissed her, touched her, seduced her, made her need him in a way that was as awesome as it was new. His big palm slowly circling the point of her breast made her lips part and her eyes close. He fit his mouth over hers and slid her sweatshirt up until he found her bra. He filled his hand with the soft weight of the lacy cup, then played his thumb over the bud until she drew in a shaky breath.

  “You have a perfect little body,” he whispered against her ear. Expert fingers freed her from the black lace, then she was in his hand and trembling. “Perfect little breasts too…”

  She husked out, “‘Little’ being the operative word.”

  He gave her that pleased male chuckle and said hotly, “More than a mouthful is a waste….”

  Fitting actions to words, he took her dark breast into his mouth, and a rippling Lacy cried out, her body arching for more. He dallied masterfully, making her moan pleasurably, while his surgeon’s hands slowly explored and skimmed their way over her hips, legs, and thighs, teasing and circling with touches that made her part her legs so he could increase the flame.

  Drake raised his mouth to hers and drank deeply from her parted lips. One hand continued to tease the damp, tight buds of her breasts, while the other teased the humid heat sheltered in the vee of her thighs. He boldly slid the waist of her pants down and filled his palms with her tempting behind. The flesh was soft, smooth, and he circled it possessively. He touched her heat, felt her tremble, and kissed her fervently. When he slid a finger inside, she came with a strangled shout, and Drake knew he had to get this woman on a bed.

  Lacy rode out the orgasm, carried through the house in his arms. Every few steps he stopped to kiss her, making her arch up and groan from the body-shaking sensations. Then she was placed gently onto a large bed, and through the haze of desire she saw him taking off his shirt and undoing his belt. More shameless than she’d ever been, she sat up and drew her shirt over her head. Then she was slipping out of her pants, socks, and shoes. Wearing nothing but her twisted black lace bra and a matching thong, she smiled.

  Drake almost came right then. The slow way she’d silently removed her clothes to reveal her absolutely wicked underwear made him take a deep breath and pray his body would hold out just a bit longer. He knew they had days to enjoy each other, but he wanted this first time to be slow and sweet so the lovemaking would be memorable for them both. With that in mind, he reached down between her slightly parted thighs and teased the sweet dampness bisected by the thong until she growled and sensually raised herself for more. On fire, Drake played with her for a few hot moments longer, then reached into his pocket for a condom.

  Lacy watched him undress, then roll the condom over his magnificent desire. Dressed in her scanty underwear, she felt like a courtesan in heat. When he joined her on the bed, she couldn’t wait for him to pay her tribute.

  Drake ran a worshipping hand down the length of her black satin body, then bent so he could circle his tongue around her tempting dark nipples. No, she didn’t need to be a D cup for him to enjoy pleasuring her. Response was the only requirement, and the sexy Lacy Green was doing just fine in that department.

  Lacy was still throbbing from the remnants of the first orgasm and wasn’t sure how much more of his loving she could take and not explode again. His mouth moving over her skin was hot, and his hands were glorious. The slow, tantalizing rhythm in her hips began again in response to the wanton touches playing between her thighs. When had her thong come off? She didn’t know, and she didn’t care. Feeling him hard and thick and working his way into the place she wanted him the most became her entire world.

  Drake felt her heat closing around him, and his first instinct, the male instinct, was to stroke her for all he was worth. She was so tight and so hot, his body didn’t want to hold back, but he did in order to savor this erotic, initial feel for a lifetime. Her response to his slow rhythm was perfectly timed; she met him stroke for stroke and ran her hand over the hair clouding his chest, to tease a sculpted nail over his flat nipples. Drake threw back his head and increased the pace. They were moving faster now. Desire had them both enthralled. Growling, Drake grabbed her hips and deepened his thrusts. A moment later she came with a cry that fired him even more. Then his own release shattered over him and he surrendered with a lusty yell that shook the silence of the house.

  Later, as they both lay breathing loud in the aftermath, he leaned over and kissed her softly. His hand teased a nipple and he decided that he wanted to lie here just this way for the rest of his life.

  She opened her eyes and smiled. “Now I see why your hands are insured.”

  He replied softly, “Told you.” Then he added, “Between my hands and my extensive knowledge of human anatomy you’re going to be a very lucky woman while we’re here, Lacy Green.”

  She kissed him softly and whispered, “You are so full of yourself…but I can’t wait.”

  They got up and showered in separate bathrooms. Under the force of the hot water, Lacy washed away the leavings of their love, but knew nothing could erase the throbbing in her nipples or the pulsing between her thighs.

  Back in the kitchen, the computer turned on the oven, and once the desired temperature was reached, they put the rolls in and reheated the food prepared by Mrs. Alvarez. When everything was ready, they took their piled plates over to t
he kitchen table to eat and to enjoy the expansive view of the blue lake through the sparkling windows.

  The sun was going down in fiery reds, oranges, and pinks. Lacy couldn’t remember ever seeing such a dramatic sunset. It made the one she was accustomed to seeing from her balcony pale in comparison. “I could live here just for the sunsets alone.”

  “It is pretty nice, isn’t it.”

  It was, and having Drake with her made the moment even nicer. “How long has your brother had this place?” she asked while enjoying Mrs. Alvarez’s well-seasoned green beans.

  “About ten years. He’d like to buy more land, but with all the development that’s been going on, there’s very little open land left.”

  “So where would you put the house you said you wanted to build?”

  “Probably just down the way. Myk has offered me and Saint a split of this property.”

  “Saint’s your other brother.”


  “What’s he do?”

  “Works for the government,” Drake replied casually.

  She nodded and went back to her plate.

  Drake was glad she’d expressed only a passing interest in his outlaw-coat-wearing half brother. Saint worked for some pretty shadowy entities on a regular basis, and the less nonfamily members knew about his comings and goings, the better. Of course, he had his own secret life too, and wondered what she would think if she knew.

  They finished their meal and cleaned up. The dirty dishes were fed to the dishwasher and the uneaten food went back into the refrigerator. Drake put on a pot of coffee. When it was done, they filled their cups, got their coats, and stepped outside onto the living room deck. The light was almost gone, and the brisk breeze filled Lacy with its chilly energy. She sensed Drake step up beside her. He draped an arm across her waist and she smiled over her smoking cup. The peace here was strong enough to touch. She never wanted to leave.

  Content, she looked up and found him watching her. In that moment, Lacy thanked the powers above for placing this man in her life. Even if the relationship ended up crashing on the rocks, she’d have the memories of this time here. Meeting a man like Drake Randolph was as rare as it was beautiful. When he slowly lowered his head, she met the kiss with a sweetness that she wanted him to feel.